Izotópklimatológai Laboratórium (IKER)

The Laboratory of Climatology and Environmental Physics (ICER) is a multidisciplinary team aimed at research of natural and man made environment, whose activity is based on up to date nuclear analytical methods. The section is divided into four groups, according to the distinct research areas in concern.

  • Hertelendi Laboratory of Environmental Studies, a multidisciplinary team dedicated to research in nuclear analytical methods, stable isotope measurements and systems technology. It has considerable expertise in isotope measurements, radiocarbon dating, tritium measurements, monitoring activity around nuclear facilities and modelling of radionuclides in the environment, most of its projects being strongly related to the Paks NPP activity.
  • Radon Group's primary goal is to perform basic research aiming at revealing the fundamental physical lows governing geogenezis, geological and biological transport and behaviour of the radon gas from the rocks and soils through the living environment into the human body.
  • K/Ar Laboratory works in the field of geochronology by applying the conventional K/Ar and Ar-Ar methods. The main fields of research are time evolution of magmatic (volcanic and plutonic) processes, dating of ore mineralization, dating of metamorphism and low-grade metamotphism and age determination of tectonic events by using the closure temperature concept.
  • The main topics of QMS Laboratory are study of the main parameters of quadrupoles, development of QMS-based methods and application of QMS in measurements, membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) and basic vacuum physics and technology.


More information: IKER